Bury Park Jamie Masjid provides a wide range of services and facilities to enable us to meet our commitment and duty to our patrons and community.

All services are volunteer led and funding for projects, staff and facilities largely come from the generous donations of the local community.

The masjid is continuously striving to improve and expand the services, facilities and projects for the betterment of the community we serve.

By way of example some of our objectives are:

  • To contribute to the nurturing and strengthening of our community life
  • To establish the facilities required to fulfil our religious obligations
  • To equip our children, and adults, with the necessary social and religious skills, character and knowledge, i.e, to imbue in them a sense of social and moral responsibility
  • To foster good character and manners
  • A good mix of religious and secular education to aid their personal, social and professional development.

As with any broad project, especially with one so extensive seeking to be comprehensive, providing all the necessary social and religious requirements under one umbrella, requires a large team of people with numerous skills to keep the organisation moving forward. If you would like to contribute toward the masjid and its goals, in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us via the contact details provided on this site, whether that be in person, with your time, energy and skills – We are always on the lookout for volunteers and persons with various skills. Plumbing, computing, building work etc, the list is endless but if you think you have something to offer, nothing is too small or too less even if it is to spend a few minutes cleaning the masjid, please email us at admin@buryparkmasjid.co.uk and we will get back to you as soon as possible or as and when required.

Financially – The masjid and its subsidiaries are all principally donation based organisations and are therefore reliant on the over-whelming genorosity of its trustees, patrons and the muslim community. Any and all donations are welcome and remember Allah looks at the sincerity and not the amount.